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Attention Volcans du 18 au 28 août 2016

Si tu hésites entre des vacances sous les palmiers, un séjour scientifique ou un séjour linguistique, voici le séjour qu’il te faut ! 10 jours d'expéditions à crapahuter sur 3 volcans actifs, sur des îles paradisiaques tout en menant un projet de journalisme scientifique en anglais sur le thème du volcanisme. Tu feras de la randonnée sur les versants du Stromboli, de Vulcano et de l’Etna pour comprendre les différents types de volcanisme et ses diverses manifestations. Tu plongeras également dans les eaux chaudes de la Mer Méditerranée avec masque et tuba pour explorer les animaux et l’environnement d’un fond marin établi sur une roche volcanique. Es-tu prêt ? Ça va chauffer. Voir descriptif détaillé

Attention Volcans du 18 au 28 août 2016

Si tu hésites entre des vacances sous les palmiers, un séjour scientifique ou un séjour linguistique, voici le séjour qu’il te faut ! 10 jours d'expéditions à crapahuter sur 3 volcans actifs, sur des îles paradisiaques tout en menant un projet de journalisme scientifique en anglais sur le thème du volcanisme. Tu feras de la randonnée sur les versants du Stromboli, de Vulcano et de l’Etna pour comprendre les différents types de volcanisme et ses diverses manifestations. Tu plongeras également dans les eaux chaudes de la Mer Méditerranée avec masque et tuba pour explorer les animaux et l’environnement d’un fond marin établi sur une roche volcanique. Es-tu prêt ? Ça va chauffer. Voir descriptif détaillé

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Des voyages scientifiques qui changent le monde
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Accueil > Nos Actions > Journal de Bord des Opérations > Vacances Scientifiques > Attention Volcans du 18 au 28 août 2016

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Votre mission si vous l’acceptez :
Réaliser un travail de journalisme scientifique sur les îles éoliennes, haut lieu de la volcanologie européenne sous haute surveillance.

Le Journal de Bord

Chaque jour des éruptions ont lieu, les volcans crachent leur lave, leur projection et leur fumée. Tu peux le suivre en direct :



Et nous voilà de maintenant, nous serons de l’autre côté de l’écran.

Tuesday 18 august

The day we arrived in Catania was a great one. After the last person, Elouan, had arrived, we waited lethargically for the bus to arrive and to start our journey to Milazzo. Halfway there, we had to “abandon ship” due to the bus that had started to look like volcanoes we were studying. Three hours later, after having reached Milazzo on another bus traveling at 10 km per hour, we boarded on a small boat after having missed the larger ferry. As we approached the island of Vulcano, we had a magnificent view of the sunset over the sky line. On Vulcano, we were introduced to one of the local Italian, Rino, a trusted friend. He offered us to take our bags to the camping site in his car while we followed on foot. On the way, we inadvertently took a few wrong turns and ended up visiting the entire city instead of only a part of it, while of course, taking the time to appreciate the odor of rotten eggs coming out from nearby fumaroles and sulfur deposits. Finally arrived at our destination, Eden Park (the camping site) we set up camp. We had a momentary struggle with one of the tents, having discovered that after five minutes of mounting and dismantling it, that the hood was upside down and it was the source of our problem. Finally after having laid down to rest, the nearby nightclub provided us with a “soothing” lullaby.

Elouan and Raphaelle

Friday 19 august 2016

After having woken up at nine by flies and mosquitos, Rino offered us a free breakfast in the main room. We had a rather slow morning, going to the beach to cool off and have a bit of fun. Our first swim in the sea with black sand. Excellent.

At five in the afternoon we started climbing Vulcano, a volcano about 500 meters high with a perfect view on all the all Aeolian Islands.

Once at the top, we took the temperatures of different fumaroles, noting their differences and taking some samples. We measured a range of temperature from 145°C to 360°C using an Infrared thermometer in the fumaroles.

The crater is completely filled since the last eruptions in 1888-90.

We had dinner on top and came down happy and slightly smelly from having hung around the fumaroles. We had a nice sunset on the Alicudi Island.

By the time we reached the bottom, it was night and we needed our torches to navigate through the treacherous rocks that threatened us to trip up. Once again, we fall asleep to the rhythmic beat of the nightclub just beside.


Saturday 20 august 2016

This morning we worked together on an article entitled : « A seismic/dangerous paradise ».

In the afternoon we went to the INGV (instituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia) center to better understand the volcanic edifice and ask some questions to specialists. The geologist and students in geology were really helpful. Particularly Vincenzo, a researcher in geophysics at INGV Roma.

We finished this perfect day by a nice snorkeling session with mask and tuba.

Sunday 21 august 2016

At 9.00am, we took the boat from Vulcano to Stromboli. This Island is composed of two villages : San Vincento and Ginostra. This morning we did some shopping in Sainte Vincento and made our way to the church. For lunch, we ate a good pizza in an Italian restaurant. At 4.00 pm, we joined the guide, who would take us up the mountain. His name was Matteo and we wanted to interview him but François forgot to push on the button record of the microphone ;-). After that, it was time to climb the volcano, which was 917m high. The climb was difficult but we were so happy and proud when we were above craters. The eruptions were so beautiful and we enjoyed them. We watched them at night. To go down we used another way which is principally composed of ash. I don’t know if you have ever walked in 50 cm of ash but it’s very hard and cool at the same time. Arrived in San Vincento at 11.15 pm after a 6 hours walk, we slept on the beach, ready to take the boat at 7.15 am.


Monday 22 august 2016

Back to Vulcano


Interview with Rino, the camping’s director, about his life near an active volcano.


We have the chance to eat excellent pasta, invited at a local Italians’ home : at Vincenzo’s, the INGV scientist. Delicious ! Thanks Vincenzo.


Tuesday 23 august 2016

We left Vulcano island to return in Sicily with the Aliscafe boat. The island’s climate and pleasant atmosphere will miss us.
We took a car drove to Etna. Without leaving one minute, we started to climb the Etna, in the winding road. We stopped at the Russo bar. Hum ! The arancini, what a tastes !

We walked in the “Grotto Citelli” a perfect example of fissural type eruption and lava tunnel.

We finished the day and installed at our new camp site : the Al Yag at Acireal.


Wednesday 24 august 2016

Today, at 10, we left the camp for the Etna summit. Once there, we took the tele chair to about 2.600 meters where we started to climb.

Ascension de l’Etna le 24 Août 2016

It turns out that 2 layers of clothing plus a raincoat is not enough to protect you from the chill of the clouds surrounding us. We walked for about 500 meters along the rocky path all the while being buffered by the cold wind. One hour later, at the summit we walked along the crater’s edge : Crater del Filosofo and collected a few samples of the rocks found there.

Back at car, after being constantly covered with clouds, we were quite wet. We made a small stop at the shops there before heading back to the camping.


We stopped for the meal at the summit of the Valle del Bove.

It was a magic moment, the time standed still. All the clouds disappeared to offer us a bird’s eye view on the valley.

The Valle del Bove is a major horseshoe-shaped depression some 5 km in diameter and over 1000 m deep, carved into the eastern flank of Mount Etna volcano. The origin of the Valle del Bove has been a subject of debate for over a century but recent models relate it to the collapse of the ancient Trifoglietto II Centre of Etna, either by caldera collapse or Or Métal précieux. Dans le cadre du séjour Le TrésOR des MINES nous chercherons de l’or dans le Val d’Anniviers, à la batée. phreatomagmatic explosive activity.
Source : The valle del bove, Mount Etna : Its origin and relation to the stratigraphy and structure of the volcano. J.E. Guest, D.K. Chester, A.M. Duncan. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Volume 21, Issues 1–2, June 1984, Pages 1-23

Thursday 25 august 2016

Today, in the morning, we went to the “Alcantara Gole” and we took a lunch there. We swam in the Alcantara River and saw beautiful basalt columns.

We went to Catania to install in our last camping, the Villagio Turistico Europeo, with private beach, which was certainly the most luxurious camping we had. In the afternoon, a few of us went to the sea for one hour. After that, Elouan, Raphaelle and Francois began writting the second article that we prepared. Just some help : INGV.


Friday 26 august 2016

Today was an important step for our learning. We were expected at the symbolic INGV : instituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia. This nazionale institute has several departments located in different towns of Italy. They are at the forefront of the research in volcanology. In Catania they also have an operative room with screens connected to the measurement instruments spread in the field. Daniele, a very nice researcher of this institute, welcomed us at the entrance.

He explained us the goal of the institute, his job and then the special feature of Etna. Despite of the numerous researchs lead on this volcano, it’s still poorly understood and predictable. We don’t know if the next eruption will occur at one of the summits or Or Métal précieux. Dans le cadre du séjour Le TrésOR des MINES nous chercherons de l’or dans le Val d’Anniviers, à la batée. on the flank from adventive crater or fissure. Daniele took time to answer the questions prepared by the participants. To finish our visit we had the luck to visit the operative room. Amazing !

We could recognise Etna, Stromboli and Vulcano on camera. One screen was still focused on the area partially destroyed by the earthquakes of the 24th of August in the center of Italy.

We left the institute with precious information,ready to write the next article. Thank you very much Daniele.

This afternoon we stay in Catania to visit the center. We come back early in the camping to work on this article and swim off the private beach of the camping.

Saturday 27 august 2016

Today is the last one. Raphaelle leaves really early. She went to the airport at 5am with Muriel. She’s delighted by its stay. She has appreciated spending time with François and Elouan.
For Elouan, François and Emilie remained at the camping, the day begins quietly. Elouan is awake since the departure of Raphaelle, he has prepared a delicious breakfast. Thank you.
Rapidly we take the bus to join Muriel in the city center of Catania. Today Elouan and François were our guide. It was not easy to use a map and find a path toward the historic monuments. In the afternoon we went back to the camp, for the traditional rest in the hammocks and swim.

Don’t forget the gymnastic lesson :

Sunday 27 august 2016

After packing and cleaning the camping, we went to the airport. Elouan and François left near noon.

We are all happy by our holiday. It was a good mix between science, discovery of Sicily, fun and rest. Elouan, François and Raphaelle have achieved the objectives that we set out : going on the field, show some interest and curiosity to investigate and finally produce videos or articles.

You can read their articles on :

And watch their interviews on :

If you want to come back to Sicily with friends or family, this stay is open at the Easter holidays for adults and family. Or, as says François, « See you in Yellowstone » the next summer.

Photos / Vidéos

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